About Us

Link Unify is an IT Solutions and Service (Active & Passive) provider based in Thimphu, Bhutan. It is registered under the Company Act of the Kingdom of Bhutan in April 2016. Link Unify offers innovative IT solutions (Networks, Systems, Software and Cyber Security) to the private sectors, corporations and the government agencies. We offer customer-driven solutions that enhance the efficiency and productivity of systems and processes used by our clients, enabling them to attain their full competitive potential and the versatility to thrive in a rapidly changing business environment. We work jointly with our customers to make sure their requirements are met and is in the best interest of their strategic goals.

We have a complete set of highly skilled and certified resources to provide the best support and services in all domains of Information Technology, including Telecommunication and Cyber Security.

Link Unify has a full-fledged Security Operation Center in Mothithang, Thimphu, Bhutan equipped with highly trained Security Analysts providing 24×7 hours and 365 days real-time security monitoring, incident reporting, response and recommendations services to the local clients. In order to provide the guaranteed and quality services to the clients we are partnered with AiCyberWatch, India from where the security experts simultaneously monitor the security alerts and provide supports services in coordination with our local Security Analysts.